- Get projects done on time
- Feel accomplished
- Reduce stress
- Increase enjoyment
- Produce amazing results
The main idea of project mamgment is to take a complex problem and decompose it into smaller solvable problems (milestones). You then set goals to solve the less complex problems. After the goals are set you determine the tasks required to meet those goals. As tasks are completed you become closer to reaching your goals and hence, solving the complex problem.
Application of of Project Managment
I really only have on main goal at the moment. That is to complete school with the knowledge need to apply myself in the real world. The longer I go to school the more increasingly difficult I find this to be. As I learn new things I try to integrate them into my existing knowledge. However, few classes seem to be interested assisting in this. As a solution I set a goal to find a way to connect everything I am learning to a real world example. To do this I have several tasks:
- I must first read and understand the concept.
- I must find a real world application it can be applied to.
- I must play with the example till I know the concept is completely understood.
The tasks listed above have been repeated time and time again for different concepts across a broad range of subjects. Very few times have I not completely understood a concept after completing all three tasks.
Most Important Things Learned about Project Management
- Decomposition - I have used decomposition in the past, but never to the extent described in the lesson
- Using the SIIs - I have done a lot of project managment in the past, but SIIs are something I must always be rememinded of
- Keep up with the times - This wasn't in the lesson, but during my 2 years as an assistant project manager I learned how important this was. I watch PM after PM be hired and fired (none ever lasted more than 6 months). The reason being, none of them could keep up with the computer age. They would spend hours doing calculations with a calculator I could do in minutes with a computer. They would write out schedules by hand that then had to be modified my hand instead of with a simple click of a mouse button. So I think this is most important. To keep up with all the technological oppurtunities possible to make life easier.
Most Important Things Learned about using the Learning Cycle
- Reflective Observation (Watching other and reflecting) vs. Active Experimentation (Doing things yourself)
- Abstract Conceptualization (Think your way through a problem) vs. Concrete Experience (Feeling the word and finding a soltuion)
- Linking existing knowledge to new concepts (which I already knew, but still think is the most important)
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